Pre School
Mon: 9am – 12pm
Tues: 9am – 12pm & 12pm – 3pm
Weds: 9am – 12pm
Thurs: 9am – 12pm & 12pm – 3pm
Fri: 9am – 12pm & 12pm – 3pm
Breakfast Club
Mon: 7.30am – 9am
Tues: 7.30am – 9am
Weds: 7.30am – 9am
Thur: 7.30am – 9am
Fri: 7.30am – 9am
How do you know the setting is right for your child?
Here at Scotter Pre-School, we appreciate how important it is to ensure you have found the right setting for your child.
Your child’s well-being and development are our main priorities and we offer a warm and supportive environment with well qualified and experienced staff in order to ensure your child’s happiness. We work in partnership with parents and carers and encourage your feedback so we can work together in order to provide the best care for your child.
Ultimately, the best way to make up your mind is to visit Scotter Pre-school for yourself. We operate an open-door policy and welcome you to come with your child to look around our wonderful pre-school and talk to us personally.

Settling In Period
The Settling-in-process is a gradual introduction, we welcome pre-visits before your child starts their journey with us. From their very first day it is important your child is allowed to acclimatise to the new environment, are supported to make new friends and encouraged to be curious and explore through play.
It is also a gradual withdrawal of your presence and these two aspects with parents/carer and your child’s designated Key Person are planned carefully and with sensitivity. The Key Person is a member of staff who will support you and your child during this transitional phase, focusing on forming strong bonds, taking care of your child’s well-being and provide an individual learning journey for them.

Friday Club
Moving from Pre-School to Primary School is a time of change for children and parents, one which is full of opportunity and potential. Our Friday sessions are specially reserved for children who will be attending Primary School the following September. This is designed specifically to assist in a smooth transition from from Pre-School to Primary School. We have a planned programme in place to support your child before and during your child’s transition and prepare your child to leave our Pre-school a happy, confident child.
School Readiness is a measure of how prepared a child is to succeed, cognitively, socially and emotionally.
As our Friday Club always proves to be popular, the number of places can be limited, children who already attend our other sessions will be given priority of a place first.

Melanie Wood
Manager, Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Manager- Lead SENCO & Health and Safety coordinator

Room Leader

Room Leader



Hello, I’m Janet. I am the volunteer Chair for preschool. My background is in education, and I have over 20 years of experience. During the past 10 years, I have taken part in sports and volunteering, it has been a large part of my life.
Since retiring, I have taken up new roles in Scotter as chair of the Pre School and the Playing Fields Association.

Hi, I’m Helen. I am a volunteer trustee and have been on the committee for over 10 years. I have 2 girls who both attended preschool, and they are the reason I joined. My background is in education, and being able to support children to grow has always been important to me. I am the treasurer for Preschool and work closely with the accountants.

Hello, I’m Natalie, and I am a volunteer trustee for Scotter Preschool. I live in Scotter and I am a preschool parent. I am a HR consultant and have 20 years of experience. My role within the trustee team is officially the role of Secretary, however I also support the trustees and preschool management team with all HR related issues such as employment law issues, recruitment, and creation of HR related policies.
Having a balanced perspective from both the angle of a professional but also a parent of the setting, really helps me to approach issues and make decisions to support and develop the setting with the best interests of our children and their families, the staff and for the Preschool as an organisation as well.

Hello, I’m Amy. I am a volunteer trustee and a parent at Scotter Preschool. I am a Senior Children’s Practitioner and I have worked in safeguarding for 13 years.
Children’s safety and welfare is paramount and I am proud to help keep our preschool children safe by helping with the day to day running and safeguarding.